This ad covers everything I was going to say today. We’ll talk tomorrow.


Attorney General Bill Barr was scheduled to appear before the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday morning at 9 am et. The hearing didn't start at 9 am, because although traffic in the DC area was at 25% the Chairman of the Committee, Jerry Nadler was in a car accident. He was unharmed, and the hearing … Continue reading 🎼 How many times must Barr perjure himself before we can call him”inmate?”

“When the people fear the government there is tyranny when the government fears the people there is liberty.” ~Thomas Jefferson Monday, July 27, 2023. Last night I dreamt about Thor, Norse God of Thunder. I know it's not poetic, like Martin Luther King Jr's dream, but this is who I am. I like Thor. In … Continue reading 连接外网app软件
老王xyzvpn 100 Days "This is really a page right out of the textbook for tyrants. Historically what dictators and authoritarian regimes do, when their people turn against them, is to pit their own people against each other" ~Frank Figliuzzui, former Assistant Director for Counterintelligence at the FBI 100 Days The Department of Homeland Security, U.S. … Continue reading 100 Days

Unidentifiable armed groups of federal vigilantes, working on the order of Attorney General Bill Barr, are acting without the approval of local authorities in Portland. They do not follow the local police protocol, nor do they coordinate their efforts. I'm not the first to wonder if this group has ties to Trump ally, former Navy … Continue reading Bill Barr’s Gestapo

"Biden and Obama stopped their testing...I'm sure you don't want to report it" ~#FauxtyFive Those were Trump’s words during what was supposed to be an update on C19. He blamed the previous administration for ending testing on a virus that didn't exist at the time. Are we really so numb to his stupidity that this … Continue reading Wear a Mask